Good Presents For Parents In Law

Two good friends - Carmen and Roberto - are meeting: . Note: *This use of estar is the Spanish present progressive which is used for actions .. parents-in- law. If you have a blended family, it is a good idea to memorize the vocabulary that pertains to mother and father-in-law I present you to my wife (this is my wife). now a certain cultural consensus that joint custody is in the best interests of responsibilities and authority which by law a parent of a child has in . a formal recognition of shared physical custody that was not present before.

The traditional system has the advantage that it is not depending on costly protein supplements but its profit is influenced by grain prices, which fluctuate according to season with a triplication in price from harvest to the time just before the next harvest. There good presents for parents in law no similar pattern in egg price, which makes it difficult to manage the poultry for people who do not cultivate their own crops but have to purchase grain from their neighbours.

The value of the leftovers from the kitchen and threshing was set to zero. In addition comes the value of birds used for consumption or sale. The profitability depends on whether the family has means to purchase the grain at harvest.

The poultry system is relatively low in investment, which normally is an advantage to start a poultry business, but it is also accumulating little capital, which could have been used to purchase grains.

The findings support the assumptions that family poultry keeping is an economically viable activity for families with small farms. The chickens provide eggs for daily consumption and birds can be slaughtered and served at special occasions e. As described in the paper by Brorholt et al.

The income from sale of eggs and chicken is furthermore important to purchase the daily needs of the household. The market for the products is good; there are different marketing options such as shops and ambulant salespersons. There is even a higher price on the rural chickens and eggs compared to the products from the poultry industry. However, there is limited room for expansion of the family poultry business.

Poultry is in most cases an integrated part of the cropping system and can be seen an instrument to add value to surplus grain and the flock size is adjusted according to the harvest.

The seasonally fluctuating grain price is a serious problem for the landless farmers. Although poultry keeping is profitable if sorghum can be purchased at harvest, she does not have sufficient capital to make the investment, and in turn she has to sell out good presents for parents in law the flock when grain prices go up some months after harvest.

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There are already some NGO's in Nicaragua offering credits for women, but good presents for parents in law they are used for poultry they are mostly for the purchase of birds alone.

The mortality pattern with a very low mortality rate among adult birds suggests that the programme for Newcastle disease vaccination in the municipality was effective and that there were no other epidemic diseases present in the area. However, the losses among chicks were high and apart from the direct cost the poor survival rate poses a limitation to the rapid expansion of flock size in years of good harvest.

The causes of chick mortality were almost evenly distributed between predation and disease. Within both categories, there were a large number of etiologies, which unfortunately makes prevention more complicated compared to the situation where there was one dominating cause.

A better physical protection of the chicks and a more intensive feeding of these would probably increase their survival and reduce the economic losses in this part of the production. The present study used a systems approach rather than a discipline oriented approach to the study of traditional poultry production.

One of the major problems with our approach is that good presents for parents in law collection is extremely tedious and very sensitive to farmers' collaboration. The participant has to be willing to collect the data on a daily basis and to receive the visit of the researcher weekly. This can be difficult with the many tasks, which the women generally have and it is furthermore a problem that it requires reading and writing capability.

The nature of the work makes random selection of the participants almost impossible and the families who are prepared to collaborate may be biased in the sense that they may put more efforts into their poultry production than their neighbours.

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The advantage of the systems approach is that it provides an overview of the dynamics of the system e. The farming systems approach is also well suited for the identification of topics for future research and for pointing at the areas where intervention can be beneficial.

Brorholt, G. Gunaratne, S. Kuit, H. Kyvsgaard, N. Mallia, J. Observations on family poultry units in parts of Central America and sustainable development opportunities.

Wilson, R. Grete Brorholt 1N. Kyvsgaard 2 and M. Whyte 3. A socio-cultural community study has been carried out in order to understand indigenous knowledge and practice regarding traditional poultry production. Qualitative research methods such as participant observation, ethnographic interviews, focus group discussions and illness records have been used.

The material is analysed according to anthropological theories. It was found that men's and women's management strategies for keeping or not keeping poultry vary according to cultural system of land-use, labour division, ecology, sex- and age-group. Different categories of women have different interests, resources and possibilities regarding poultry keeping. A Nicaraguan case shows that young married women have little outcome of poultry keeping because of social structures, and therefore have little good presents for parents in law no interest in keeping poultry.

On the other hand, poultry keeping prove useful to women in separate households with children and who are capable of some planning and have access to feed for the poultry.

The paper concludes that poultry management is not static practise but complex, dynamic and flexible, because the poultry keeper changes practise and strategy according to her stage in the life cycle. This paper is an attempt to understand why young newly married women are not very successful in poultry keeping. The point of departure is that people's management strategies for keeping or not keeping poultry, vary according to cultural system of land-use, labour division, ecology, sex- and age-group Barth Different categories of women and men have different interests, resources and possibilities regarding poultry keeping.

I have chosen one case to illustrate, how newly married women are manoeuvring their poultry holdings: How this group of women has agency, but nevertheless are restricted in their practise by social structures.

The presentation concludes that poultry management is not a static practise but complex, dynamic and flexible where the poultry keeper changes practise and strategy according to the stage of her life cycle. At the same time, it will be shown how and why the social and cultural context, is important to investigate and understand, when poultry or good presents for parents in law livestock are used in a development strategy. An ethnographic fieldwork and community study was conducted among peasants in Cerro Colorado, a village in el Sauce Country, Nicaragua.

Cerro Colorado has about 60 households and inhabitants whereas el Sauce Country has about Veterinary and agricultural extension officers, petty commodity traders, family, and neighbour villagers frequently visit Cerro Colorado. People are interested and engaged in making social relations with people from different localities or with different social status.

The community is characterised by a minimum of infrastructure, has no market and is not accessible for vehicles. However it is not an isolated community, but rather a village highly dependent on and integrated in modern life by petty commodity, market-relations, good presents for parents in law, development and research projects.

Though men inherits more than women do. People depend on subsistence farming, are occasional day-labourers, or seasonal labour migration. Trade in beans and coffee in small amounts is also important activities. The anthropological practise of ethnographic fieldwork involves taking part and participating in, local activities by getting acquainted with people.

Participant observations include the researcher's involvement in every day-life, by taking part in daily activities and every day life. As far as possible this study has applied participant observation to generate and experience knowledge on community categorieswhich have turned out to be embodied knowledge.

Through participatory methods knowledge has been gained about how to be and live like a villager, in Nicaragua: We feel the heavy obligation of making tortillas for a household of a dozen persons, because we have lived and experienced it through a longer period of time.

Of course the anthropologist will never become a Nicaraguan peasant, and that is not the goal either, but through an attempt the anthropologist will gain knowledge about Nicaraguan peasants conceptions and lives. The anthropologist maintains an analytic and reflexive distance in participation and observation, which is crucial for the position of the anthropologist and the scientific relevance of the study.

This position of analytic and reflexive distance makes it possible for the anthropologist to both, experience the society from within, and analyse the society in scientific terms.

Beside participant observation, different kinds of ethnographic methods have been applied; individual and group interviews, focus group discussions, taxonomies, genealogies, mapping and illness records regarding different themes. Informants were chosen randomly, due to family relations to key-informants and by asking good presents for parents in law people who were knowledgeable about a specific topic.

Graciela is 20 years old; she is married 1 and has no children. She is a pre-school teacher and has been working for one year. She eloped in August last year and as custom prescribes, she moved to the household of her mother-in-law soon after. Graciela keeps a few hens at her mother's house, as does her sister, her uncle, her grandmother, and her cousin. The total flock size at the household of her mother, are 23 mature hens and chicks.

Graciela did not move her hens from her mother's household to the household of the mother-in-law, when she married. In October she acquired 20 fertilised eggs for hatching, and some were placed under a hen in the household of the mother-in-law, and some under a hen in the mother's household. One month after, when chicks were hatched, Gracielas mother-in-law, when asked, explained that 18 were incubated! And good presents for parents in law regarded herself as the owner.

Graciela had definitely given some, if not all, of the eggs acquired, to the mother in-law and kept others in the mother's household.

With or without the mother in law's knowledge? Another time she acquired 18 eggs and gave the mother-in-law 14 and kept 4 eggs for herself. The chicks she hatched at her mother's place, died of hunger, as the mother had no feed to give them, as the mother suffered scarcity after Graciela has moved. The hens in the mother's household belong to Graciela, but are fed by the mother. Young women need to produce a flock size of their own to pay for personal necessities and to generate money for the future household utensils.

Still at this point in life, they have few possibilities to generate a good flock size, as they do not have access to supplementary feed because their husbands do not yet possess fields for agriculture.

Keeping hens on various locations is one way of making a matri-laterel network and an economic saving. Graciela is conscious of her different possibilities and limits of economic growth, and of her new social position as a married woman. Being good presents for parents in law married is a difficult and good presents for parents in law period and is also affecting her ability to have hens. Why is she hatching at different places, in her mothers and her mother in laws household?

Graciela is in a stage in her life where she is learning how to improvise on various issues. Through this project, she has obtained exotic breeds of hens, technical training, and educational training and made a broad social network. She is very often used as an example of the success of the PML in integrating women in project activities.

Graciela is interested in and capable of keeping poultry, even if she had no economic outcome of her first attempt on hatching, in her new home.

As for any young married woman living in the extended household of the husband's family, it is important for Graciela to make and keep a good relationship with her mother-in-law. Reciprocity is a basic element in Nicaraguan life and giving and receiving affirm a social network between women.

Getting married is the first time when a daughter is responsible for a reciprocal act. And at the same time, she is the object good presents for parents in law the very same transaction, as part of the reciprocal exchange 2 system.

Hens are the only objects she can manage for own purpose and use to maintain good relations. But as a woman Graciela is receiving too. One should help! Graciela feels her changed position is difficult.

She needs to create a position, learn how to maintain her social networks of women, how to apply knowledge, make good relations to her in-laws and behave like a woman. She is in a transition time and feels between and betwixt. Even though Graciela wants to keep poultry it is rather difficult as she is highly dependent on her mother's and mother in law's family.

She has not yet an individual household, and is socially and economically dependent. The mother-in-law is supposed to give a new daughter in-law common necessities such as clothes, food, medicine etc. In this particular case, where Graciela works as a teacher, people were very concerned whether she was allowed to continue teaching.

Graciela claims that the mother-in-law agrees to her wish, of continuing teaching. To maintain good relations to the in-laws, the newcomer has to be pretty much available for daily duties. She has to be available as a workforce, but also as a kind of a social resource, as her good behaviour and her social network reflect on the mother-in-law.

Other articles within the penal code regulate other sexual interactions Articles bis,bis, ter, quarter. Article bis, regulates the "introduction of objects" either in the anus, vagina or mouth.

Article bis, defines "sexual act" as any relevant act with sexual significance accomplished by physical contact with the victim, or affecting the victim's genitals, anus or mouth even when no physical contact occurred. Article states that charges relating to these offenses Articles to can be brought only after a good presents for parents in law by the minor or the minor's parent, guardian or legal representative. Nevertheless, if the offended party cannot freely file the complaint and lacks a legal representative, parent or guardian, or if the legal representative, parent or guardian is involved in the crime, the Public Ministry may proceed by good presents for parents in law own.

Inthe age of consent for opposite-sex activity was Inthe age of consent was set at 14 for both girls and boys in relation to heterosexual sex. In Marchthe Ministry of Foreign affairs issued a circular that recognizes same-sex civil unions and equal marriages performed abroad for residency matters. Chile's civil union laws enable same-sex and opposite-sex cohabitating couples to good presents for parents in law property and make medical decisions as well as claim pension benefits and inherit property if their civil partner dies.

Gaining custody of a partner's child where necessary is also made easier by the law. The new law recognises marriages performed abroad as civil unions and views couples and their children as a family. It took effect on 22 October On 1 Decemberthe Chamber of Deputies unanimously approved except for 6 abstentions a bill to give couples who enter in a civil union five days off, like couples who marry have. The bill was approved by the Senate in Octoberin a unanimous vote.

The bill would have amended the definition of marriage of article of the Civil Code, replacing the phrase that determines it as the union "between a man and a woman", by "the union between two people". In addition, the measure contemplates the right of joint adoption and filiation automatic parenthood for same-sex couples. Chilean law stipulates that single people are allowed to adopt, regardless of their sexual orientation.

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If applicants are approved as suitable to adopt, legally only one of them would be the legal parent of the child. Final approval is granted by the Family Court. In addition, filiation is defined by birth, therefore, good presents for parents in law couples can not recognize a child in the birth certificate.

In Marcha lesbian mother filed a voluntary petition to a Family Court to have her daughter legally recognized as the daughter of her partner. In Novemberthe Supreme Court ruled against the two mothers, by a vote of three to two. If passed, the bill would offer three pathways to legally recognize the filiation of same-sex parents to their children. The Marriage Equality bill introduced in August by President Bachelet, would allow joint adoption to married same-sex couples and filiation automatic parenthoodfor both married and unmarried same-sex couples.

Currently inChile's Congress is debating the "Bill of the Integral Reform of the Adoption System in Chile" that would allow adoption by same-sex couples. On May 8,the Chamber of Deputies passed the bill by votes in favor, 35 against and 4 abstentions, allowing joint and step-parent adoption by same-sex couples, within a marriage, civil union or not, and banning discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in the process of adoption.

Two amendments that were presented by the Government were rejected which sought to establish at all events that the opposite-sex couples of "father and mother" should be privileged, over same-sex couples, but another "discriminatory" amendment was successfully introduced stating that "if the child or adolescent expresses his will to have a father and a mother, the judge must consider it preferentially.

There are no laws that guarantee or protect the right to access good presents for parents in law assisted reproductive technology.

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Lesbian couples may access to IVF treatments, though they do not have medical insurance coverage due they do not have an infertility pathology. Currently in Chile, there is no specific legislation on surrogacy.

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The book is currently being distributed to pre-school kids in public kindergartens in Chile. In Chile there are different laws, regulations good presents for parents in law public policies that protect LGBT people from discrimination. However, according to Movilh's Annual Reports on the Human Rights of Sexual Diversity, each year more cases are reported because there is more empowerment among gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people to fight for their rights and to denounce discriminatory acts.

Article good presents for parents in law the Penal Code, based on the "offenses to morals and good customs" has been for years the only legal standard that has used the police to harass homosexuals, even for behavior such as holding hands in public. Inthe bill to repeal the article was rejected in the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee of the Chamber of Deputies.

The law in effect sinceimposes penalties for acts of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, and since gender expression.

It allows citizens to file anti-discrimination lawsuits and requires the State to develop public policies to end discrimination. In Chile, the relationship between suppliers of goods or services and consumers is regulated by Law No. Article 3 states that are basic rights of the consumer, among others, the right to non-discrimination. In Decemberin the first ruling under the anti-discrimination law, a judge ordered a motel to pay a fine to a lesbian couple for refusing them entry, and ordered that it can't refuse entry on another occasion.

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The Third Civil Court of Santiago was emphatic in saying that denying services or products based on sexual orientation or gender identity was illegal. Good presents for parents in lawthe Labor Code explicitly prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Inthe authorities announced that the rules of non-discrimination guaranteed in labor law also apply to the sexual minorities. InThe Department of Labor made possible, through the implementation of the new politics, to make reports of discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. The change came from a petition by Movilh and originated from an event in when an employee did the first report of this kind in a governmental instance.

In JuneThe Department of Labor officially updated the "Principles regarding the right to non-discrimination" set out in the Labour Code, according to the effects of the anti-discrimination law that includes sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes. In Decembera court ordered good presents for parents in law Municipality of Talca to compensate three former employees who had been dismissed because of their sexual orientation.

The court ruling also requires the Mayor Juan Castro Prieto and other officials to be trained in human rights.


The General Law of Education LGE promulgated inincluded the principles of non-discrimination and respect to diversity. The Ministry of Education launched in the School Good presents for parents in law Regulation, which points out the importance of eradicating the discrimination against LGBT people in the classroom.

In SeptemberChile's Congress approved "The Law about School Violence" that amended the General Law of Education to establish definitions, procedures, and penalties for school violence and bullying. The law has a positive impact on the fight against homophobia and transphobia in the classroom. Inthe Superintendence of Education updated the Handbook for educational establishments on Rules of Procedure with regard to school coexistence, which orders the non-discriminatory treatment concerning students based on their sexual orientation or gender identity, and indicates that the regulation of all schools must sanction any act of discrimination between members of the school community.

Intwo new policies of the Ministry of Education recognized the importance of promoting the rights of LGBTI people in classrooms. The National School Coexistence Policy guarantees non-discrimination for sexual diversity and it is incorporated into the School Calendar the "International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia.

The School Inclusion law, that took effect in Marchguarantees non-discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, mentioning the anti-discrimination law. Sincethe Civil union law officially recognises same-sex couples as a family, and offers protection in access to housing.

The Minister Patricia Poblete said that discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity is not allowed in any of the services offered by her ministry, so gay couples can apply, without problems, housing subsidies. Sincethe "Household Social Register" recognizes same-sex cohabiting couples. It is an information system whose objective is to support the nomination and selection of beneficiaries of institutions and government agencies that provide social benefits. Inthe Good presents for parents in law law amended the Criminal Code adding a new aggravating circumstance of criminal responsibility, as follows: "Committing or participating in a crime motivated by ideology, political opinion, religion or beliefs of the victim; nation, race, ethnic or social group; sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, affiliation, personal appearance or suffering from illness or disability.

In Julyten MPs introduced a bill to amend the Criminal Code to incorporate the crime of incitement to hatred or violence against people based on sexual orientation and gender identity, among other distinctions. In NovemberPresident Michelle Bachelet enacted the Anti-torture law establishing criminal penalties for torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment.

It covers physical, psychological abuse and sexual violence, and includes sexual orientation and gender identity as protected categories. The law aims to punish people in public service positions, both public employee or private individuals in public service, who instigate, carry out or hide knowledge of torture.

The bill now heads to the Senate for discussion. Article 9 of the bill states that "no child shall be arbitrarily discriminated against because of their sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics ," among other distinctions. The Migration and Immigration bill bans discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

The Chamber of Deputies passed the good presents for parents in law on January 16, The bill on Gender Violence establishes the right of women to a life free of violence. The purpose of this law is to prevent, punish and eradicate violence against women, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, among others.

Also, it amends the Penal Code and the Intrafamily Violence law to include same-sex couples. The Chamber of Deputies passed the bill on January 17, SinceLaw In MayLaw To form the present participle for regular -ar verbs, add -ando to the stem.

For -er and -ir verbs add -iendo :. However, not all present participles are that regular. Some verbs add a "y," or change the spelling, to adhere to Spanish orthography spelling rules.

Here is a list of some common verbs that have an irregular present participle:. Like in English, the Spanish present progressive is used to describe an action in progress. It is formed by conjugating the verb estar and then adding the present participle:.

For other type of questions Spanish uses the following question words note that all of them have an accent in the word :. Exercise : Questions. Like English, the Spanish possessive adjectives differ depending on the person they are referring to. The following table summarizes all Spanish possessive adjectives:. Exercise : Possessive Adjectives.

Spanish uses three slightly different constructions for comparisons of equality. The following examples show the three different possibilities:. When comparing nouns, the ending of tanto will be modified to tantatantosor tantas in order to match gender and quantity of the noun. The general pattern for comparisons of equality is the following:.

Then follows the adjective and finally there is a preposition de :. The general pattern for Spanish superlatives is:. Exercise : Comparisons. While the subject of a sentence initiates an action the verbthe direct object is the one that is affected by the action.

A direct object pronoun is used to refer to the direct object of a previous sentence:. Note: In Spain, le and les are used as the masculine direct object pronoun only when referring to people.

If the antecedent of a direct object is masculine but non-human, lo or los are used instead. In most other Spanish speaking places, lo and los are used instead of le and les. An indirect object is an object that would be asked for with To whom? It is called indirect because it occurs usually together with a direct object which is affected directly by the action:. The apple is given by the woman direct. The boy gets the given apple indirect - depends on the apple being given.

So far we have only seen sentences with one object pronoun. If there is both a direct and an indirect object pronoun, the indirect pronoun usually comes first:. Carmen puede cantar el himno nacional. Carmen puede cantarlo. Exercise: Object Pronouns. Instead of saying desayuno, comida y cena Spain or desayuno, almuerzo y comida Chile, Colombiait's safer to say desayuno, almuerzo y cena. Note that due to the pervasive influence of English, in many supermarkets there is a section called Vegetales instead of Verduras.

They mistranslate vegetableforgetting that this is not the same as English vegetal relating to plants. The following table shows the preterite of regular verbs. Regular -er and -ir verbs follow the exact same pattern. Note that the nosotros form is the same as in the present tense for -ar and -ir verbs, so you have to know the context to figure out the time.

Also, note that the last letter of comí and viví has an accent mark. Exercise : Preterite. The following table shows the imperfect of regular verbs. Note that regular -er and -ir verbs follow the exact same pattern:. Spanish has two tenses that correspond to the English simple past. Roughly speaking, the Preterite is used to tell What happened - it refers to a specific event.

The Imperfect is used to tell How things were - it refers to the general situation. Exercise: Preterite vs.

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Commands are used when you ask someone to do something or give instructions to people. In this lesson we learn the formal commands, which are the ones you say to persons where you use the usted or ustedes form. The following table shows the endings for the regular verbs. Like the formal commands, we also apply stem changes here:. Spanish uses the past participle primarily for present perfect, past perfect, and other similar times. For -ar verbs form the past participle by adding -ado to the stem.

For -er and -ir verbs add -ido :. If the stem of an -er or -ir verb ends in one of the vowels -a-eor -othe i of -ido gets an accent mark:. As in English, the past participle can also be used as an adjective for a noun.

In that case the ending has to match gender and number of the noun.

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Finally, there are a few verbs with both a regular and an irregular past participle. In this case, the irregular past participle is used as an adjective, while the regular form is used for the verb tenses. Here are a few examples of the Spanish Good presents for parents in law perfect. Note that in Spanish the auxiliary verb haber and the past participle are never separated:. Here are a few examples of the Spanish pluperfect.

It is used to refer to an event that happened before another event in the past. As in the present perfect, the auxiliary verb haber and the past participle are never separated:.

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